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Concerns, Causes & Signs of Low Testosterone in Young Men

signs of low testosterone in young men
March 8, 2025

Testosterone is talked about a lot lately in the field of men’s health, however, when younger men are being discussed in particular, there is a lot of confusion and disinformation that exists. In a new installment of the Balls Deep podcast, Dr. Joe Pazona talks with Dr. Howard Aubert, a board-certified urologist and the Director of Men's Health at Pazona MD, about low testosterone (Low T) in younger men. Continue reading as we discuss the concerns, causes, and signs of low testosterone in young men:

How is Low T Different in Men?

Low Testosterone differs in young versus older adults. It usually is present due to testicular failure, which happens when a man’s body just doesn’t produce sufficient testosterone due to his age. A lot of young men have functioning testicles, so their lower testosterone struggles have a different reasoning and therefore a different solution.

Young men are defined as adults in their 20s to mid-40s, with some flexibility. Unlike older men, younger guys may still have the ability to naturally produce testosterone, so replacing it outright isn’t always the best solution.

Signs of Low Testosterone in Young Men

low libido

A big theme of this episode is redefining what’s considered "normal" when it comes to testosterone. Most doctors operate on the assumption that patients are always at their optimal best simply because a blood test confirms that they are within the normal range, but that’s not the case.

“I don’t want my patients just being normal. I want them to wake up feeling truly excellent," Dr. Aubert says.

Some common signs of low testosterone in young men include:

  • Reduced physical stamina
  • Less interest in sexual activity
  • Lack of morning erections
  • Fuzzy brain and lack of clarity
  • Reduced strength or inability to build muscles

What Causes Low T in Young Men?

The absence of testosterone is not simply an old-age issue, there are many lacking lifestyle choices that contribute to it. Dr. Aubert divides them into three main categories:

  1. Constant Worry and Excessive Cortisol

Excessive worry leads to an increase in cortisol. Cortisol is a hormone heavily associated with stunted testosterone manufacturing. Modern daily life with its myriad of stressors like work, money, and relationships can wreak havoc on your hormone balance.

  1. Inadequate Nutrition and Malnourishment

Most men below the age of thirty suffering from Low T are malnourished, especially in the following categories:

  • Vitamin D
  • Zinc
  • Boron
  • Magnesium

Diets rich in unhealthy processed foods but low on necessary nutrients hinder performance of hormone production.

  1. Substance Use and Poisoning

Some substances that can disrupt balance in testosterone levels are:

  • Nicotine from vaping, dip, or even Zyn pouches
  • Marijuana, especially edible and chocolate form
  • MDMA, popularly known as Molly, and other recreational drugs

The use of such substances can lower the level of testosterone over time and interfere with the functioning of other hormones.

TRT and Fertility – A Hot Issue for Young Adults

low sperm count

There are young adults who are misinformed about testosterone replacement therapy and jump on TRT without understanding its effects on fertility.

Essentially, any form of testosterone helps malfunctions in your body as it essentially shuts down the natural means of producing testosterone. This includes the production of sperm. When the brain notices testosterone produced externally, it signals to your testis to stop producing sperm.

Men who have been on TRT for a long time have more difficulties naturally producing testosterone should they wish to father children. Many young males don’t figure this out and come to terms with it once it is too late.

Alternatives to TRT for Young Men

For those looking to enhance testosterone levels while maintaining fertility, additional alternatives exist:

  1. Clomid (Clomiphene or Enclomiphene)

Clomid works by telling the brain to instruct the testicles to produce testosterone, instead of providing it directly. It can be a great alternative for men who need more T, but want to preserve fertility.

  1. HCG (Human Chorionic Gonadotropin)

Like other progesterones, HCG increases activity within the testicle by mimicking hormones that increase testosterone synthesis.

  1. Natural Testosterone Boosters
  • Creatine
  • Weight lifting and working out
  • Improved nutrition

When Should a Young Man Consider TRT


When deciding on TRT, it’s important to consider the method of delivery:
Injections (subcutaneous and intramuscular) – replaces primary testosterone quickly and at an effective rate, but can lead to swings in levels.

  • Topical gels or creams – Applied on a daily basis, however absorption may not always be guaranteed.
  • Pellets – Implanted surgically under the skin for prolonged delivery, but require a minor procedure.
  • Oral testosterone – A newer option, although not often utilized.

Dr. Aubert points out that the optimal solution will depend on each person’s personal situation and what is easiest for them in the long term.

Final Thoughts: The Right Approach to Low T in Young Men

  • Low T in young men is different - Aside from the fact that aging, lifestyle and environmental factors contribute significantly as well.
  • Fertility is a big issue - TRT can be a double edged sword as there is an absolute cessation of spermatogenesis and most men do not get advised on this issue before commencing treatment.
  • Lifestyle matters - Stress, poor diet and habits like smoking and marijuana can have a detrimental effect on the testosterone hormone.
  • There are alternative forms of treatment - Clomid and HCG, along with lifestyle modifications will elevate testosterone levels without compromising fertility.
  • TRT, if required, should be patient-specific - The ideal strategy is determined by each man’s particular life and objectives.

You’re all up to speed on the concerns, causes and signs of low testosterone in young men. Are you hoping to learn more information on this subject? Be sure to check out our guide to understanding low testosterone and TRT.

Disclaimer: This blog is for informational purposes only and does not substitute professional medical advice. Always consult with your healthcare provider for personalized guidance.

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