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How to Prepare for Your Vasectomy Procedure

Dr Pazona talking about vasectomies
May 29, 2022

So the preparation for a vasectomy is pretty straightforward. We ask that you shave your scrotum best you can. For some men, this is the most difficult part of the whole experience if you’ve never done it before.

We’ll also recommend trimming any pubic hair. If you are on any blood thinner for any reason. So, aspirin, Plavix, Coumadin. If you have any history of heart disease, blood clots, we ask that you get permission from the doctor who’s prescribed that, and stop it at least seven days prior. Now, it’s perfectly acceptable to be on Tylenol and ibuprofen or Aleve for any aches or pains, so you don’t need to stop those. But any aspirin containing products or stronger blood thinners you would need to stop.

We also recommend in preparation that you pick up some form of supportive underwear. Some men just go with some boxer briefs. Others go off and purchase either jockstrap or compression shorts. We find that the tighter you keep the testicles and scrotum to the body after the procedure, it helps to minimize any pain and swelling.

Also, recommend that you fill up your fridge with your favorite beverages. Get your Netflix queue loaded because you’re gonna be sitting on the couch for the next several days.

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