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Why Lifting Weights is the Key to a Healthier Life

lifting weights as part of a strength training regimen
February 14, 2025

In the first of a special three-part series of the Balls Deep podcast, Dr. Joe Pazona sits down with Jeremy Hughes, the founder of Paragon Strength and Fitness, to discuss the importance of strength training. You may be wondering, “Why is a urologist interested in lifting weights?” The truth is most chronic diseases, such as diabetes, cancer, and heart disease — which as a urologist Dr. Pazona often treats — are tied to lifestyle diseases.

Our movement, eating habits, sleep, and how we blend it all together impacts our overall wellbeing. And when it comes to exercise, strength training is one of the most influential components in improving one’s optimal performance in the bedroom, the bathroom, and the boardroom.

Jeremy isn’t just an ordinary trainer — he is someone who has spent his life battling weight as an adolescent, sowed through the gauntlet of caloric restrictions, trained in the sport of bodybuilding, and eventually found his life’s calling in helping others become stronger, healthier, and more resilient.

What is Strength Training? (And Why Most People Get It Wrong)

older couple lifting weights

Many people have a misconception about strength training. As Jeremy puts it, true strength training is so much more than just lifting weights. Below are some of the core components of strength training:

  • Stressing the body in a controlled manner
  • Gradually increasing the stress by adding more weight, more reps, and improving technique
  • Training in the 1 to 12 rep range, not just doing cardio or other random workouts

Here’s a surprising observation: If you’re doing the same workout over and over without progression, you’re not increasing your strength. Progressing the challenge is very important because remember, the more advanced we get, the more likely you are to hit a plateau. Aside from that, it's also important to stay on top of your muscles as age will tend to lead to muscle loss naturally.

The Game-Changing Benefits of Lifting Weights

1. Strength Training Helps Us Deal With Stress Better

  • One’s ability to withstand a physical challenge determines their capacity to handle mental and emotional stress.
  • Weight lifting can decrease the amount of cortisol released by the adrenal gland.
  • It enhances performance in sleeping, mental focus, and self restraint.

Jeremy compares strength training to a controlled stress test — by pushing yourself in the gym, you become more mentally and physically equipped to handle life’s challenges.

These days, the majority of people choose to try and avoid stress at all costs. In reality, however, it always ends up finding us. The approach one has for confronting and controlling stress can make a big difference in avoiding the crippling pain that often leads to long lasting injury or other ailments.

Unfortunately, a lot of people fall for the trap of a sedentary lifestyle that leads to intense pain in muscles and joints as time progresses, which is known as arthritis. Strength training helps eradicate these health concerns down the road and keeps us healthy.

2. Strength Training Protects You Against Chronic Disease

older man lifting weights

To lead a long and healthy life, you need to gain muscle.

Jeremy and Dr. Pazona talk about the importance of monitoring significant blood markers — such as A1C, fasting insulin, various inflammatory markers — and how strength training affects these markers.

  • Helps in preventing diabetes (regulates blood sugar)
  • Lowers inflammation (reduces risk of heart disease & cancer)
  • Improves hormone balance (boosts testosterone, growth hormone, and metabolism)

One of the biggest mistakes people make is that they use weight loss as the only metric to track their progress, not realizing that muscle is the key to longevity. Muscle stores best, enables proper glucose control, and increases metabolism leading to a higher quality of life.

3. Strength Training is the Best Defense Against Aging & Falls

For females, particularly post-menopausal women, one of the biggest risks is osteoporosis, or the loss of bone density. And, men and women alike face a serious problem with falling when advancing in age.

  • Lifting weights makes bones stronger (by boosting calcium absorption)
  • Enhances balance and movement control (increased resistance to falls)
  • Builds strength in deep ranges of motion (ensuring long term functional independence)

Jeremy emphasizes that genuine mobility and balance stem from strength training, like lifting weights, and not merely from stretching. To ensure your body has confidence in moving freely, it must believe that different positions can be achieved without fear of injury. The best approach to accomplish this is by building muscles through strength training that involves all the ranges of motion.

The Big Takeaway: Strength Training is Non-Negotiable

older woman lifting weights

If you want to:

  • Stay strong and independent as you age.
  • Improve your hormonal balance, energy levels and overall performance.
  • Decrease your chances of disease and injury.

Then it is time to start lifting weights now!

Don’t worry: it is not about making you a bodybuilder. Irrespective of whether you are a hectic parent, hustling professional or just trying to feel good about yourself, a well-planned strength training regimen will transform your life for the better.

Final Thoughts: Cure Your Own Health Issues

At Pazona MD, we believe in good health as being the absence of disease rather than focus on treating just the symptoms. We believe that strength training should also be seen as a missing piece in the prevention puzzle. That’s why we are committed to redefining wellness by combining fitness, nutrition, and medicine.

Ready to take back control of your health? Lifting weights is a great place to start on the path towards a healthier life. Pazona MD is here to help along the way. Learn more about Pazona MD and our team here.

Disclaimer: This blog is for informational purposes only and does not substitute professional medical advice. Always consult with your healthcare provider for personalized guidance.

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