In a new episode of the Balls Deep podcast, Kat Williams covers one of the most taboo topics in medicine – women’s sexual health. Alongside Dr. Brooke Faught, a Doctor of Nursing Practice, the two help shed some light on a condition that affects many women but is hardly spoken about – hypoactive sexual desire disorder, or HSDD. Continue reading to learn more about this lack of sexual desire:
What is HSDD?
HSDD, or hypoactive sexual desire disorder, is more than just low libido. While lacking interest in sex might just be a symptom of stress, a life change, or getting too engrossed in a Netflix series, HSDD works differently.
According to Dr. Faught, HSDD is diagnosed when a woman reports lack of sexual desire for six or more months for no discernable reasons. This lack of sexual desire, however, must be causing some anxiety or frustration to be clinically significant. This is more than just an annoying emotion. It is a genuine problem that has the potential to disrupt a person’s life, self-esteem, and holistic health.
How Do You Know it’s a Problem?
Many women experience shifts in sexual desire, but how do you know that it’s an actual medical problem that needs to be addressed?
Dr. Faught mentions a few key signs:
✅ A significant reduction in sexual thoughts, fantasies, or interest in intimacy.
✅ A sudden inclination to lose all forms of interest and an absence of desire.
✅ A form of unease associated with the aforementioned shifts.
✅ A desire to tackle the problem, yet not knowing how.
If this woman is comfortable with her lack of sexual desire, it most likely is not a medical concern. This condition is only considered an issue when it triggers and disturbs the person's quality of life and personal relationships.
Who Does HSSD Affect?
Another common misunderstanding is that HSDD only occurs to elderly women, but in fact any female at any age could and can go experience this form of low libido.
🔹 Younger females may go through problems as a result of a lack or experience or confidence in their body.
🔹 New moms may feel overburdened alongside newly acquired duties.
🔹 Females in the middle ages can often experience hormonal shifts that can lead to a lack of sexual desire.
🔹 Post-menopausal women can endure changes in desire due to aging, stress, or the loss of a significant other.
Why Don’t We Talk About It?
Dr. Faught brings up a valid point in that men’s sexual health issues like erectile dysfunction get far more attention and have far more treatment options available. Viagra, for example, was introduced and about six months later it was fast tracked for FDA approval. On the other hand, the first medication for a woman’s sexual dysfunction took years to gain approval and most people do not even know it exists.
Women are often trained to simply “suck it up” and deal with everyone else’s problems before focusing on their own, even in terms of sexual health. Many people struggle with bringing it up with their doctors because they either think there aren’t any solutions or they do not want to mortify their provider.
What Can You Do to Combat HSSD?
There is good news, there are treatment options available! While Dr. Faught and Kat tease that they will go over solutions in the next episode, they also provide a few thoughts:
- Questionnaires like Female Sexual Function Index (FSFI) can assist in diagnosing HSDD.
- Depending on the cause, whether it be hormonal, psychological, or situational, treatment options will vary.
- There are medications available.
Final Thoughts
Are you interested in knowing which methods can combat the lack of sexual desire associated with HSSD? Stay tuned for Part 2! In the meantime, you can learn more about our women’s sexual health services!
Disclaimer: This blog is for informational purposes only and does not substitute professional medical advice. Always consult with your healthcare provider for personalized guidance.