
Vaginal Atrophy

As a woman transitions through menopause, it is common for vaginal tissues to begin deteriorating, which can lead to several concerning symptoms including pain, inflammation, and more.

Vaginal atrophy, or atrophic vaginitis, is often a natural side effect of menopause. This condition is considered to be a sexual dysfunction and includes symptoms of vaginal dryness, inflammation, and general discomfort of the genital region due to thinning tissues within the vaginal wall. Dr. Ashley Tapscott is fellowship-trained at the Cleveland Clinic and a board-certified urologist with extensive experience diagnosing and treating patients for vaginal atrophy.

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What Causes Vaginal Atrophy?

During a woman’s lifetime, her estrogen hormones help to keep the vagina well lubricated and supple. However, these hormone levels typically die down as a woman transitions through menopause, which typically leads to a variety of unique symptoms and conditions, including vaginal atrophy.

Aside from menopause, other common contributors to lower estrogen levels and development of vaginal atrophy include:

  • Breastfeeding
  • Removal of the ovaries
  • Side effects of various medications

What Are The Symptoms of Vaginal Atrophy?

As previously mentioned, women with vaginal atrophy are very likely to experience vaginal dryness, which can, in turn, result in a variety of specific symptoms such as:

  • Pain during intercourse
  • Shortening and/or tightening of the vaginal canal
  • Pain while urinating
  • Discharge from the vagina
  • Spotting
  • An itching or burning sensation of the genitals
  • Urinary incontinence
  • Increased frequency or urges to urinate

How is Vaginal Atrophy Treated?

Sadly, only a small portion of the women who experience symptoms of vaginal atrophy will ever consult their doctor about it. Many feel embarrassed by the condition and the symptoms it presents, and so they never get a chance to learn about the multiple solutions available to them from specialists like Dr. Ashley Tapscott.

If you experience any of the aforementioned symptoms or have any concerns at all regarding your sexual health, we urge you to contact us as soon as possible to schedule a consultation with our sexual health specialists.

Once a case of vaginal atrophy has been diagnosed, Dr. Tapscott will begin recommending suitable treatment options based on the individual patient and their unique circumstances. The most common treatment methods used to relieve symptoms of vaginal atrophy include:

  • Lotions, oils, and other water-based lubricants
  • Dilators to help widen the vaginal canal
  • Hormone therapy

It is often recommended for women to use one or more of these standard treatment methods in conjunction with one another for optimal results.

To find out what the best treatment is for you, schedule your initial consultation with Dr. Tapscott: 

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