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At Pazona MD, we want to ensure that you have an exceptional experience. One of the many ways we do that is by ensuring our schedule is accessible in delivering quality urology care.
You are expected to arrive on time for appointments. Patients will be given a 15-minute grace period to arrive. If you do not show up for the appointment within 15 minutes and there has been no communication, you will be worked into the schedule if possible, and if not, you will have to reschedule for a future date.
If you do not show up for an appointment or cancel the procedure within 48 hours, a fee will be applied to your account in the amount of $150 for a vasectomy and $50 for all other appointments. The fee must be paid prior to rescheduling the appointment.
We understand unexpected events can occur. We allow ONE no-show, after which a patient will not be allowed to reschedule with our office. We will be happy to find you another provider in the area should this occur.
Thank you.