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Understanding Urinary Incontinence in Women

woman holding her bladder
June 28, 2024

Welcome to another episode of Balls Deep – the ultimate podcast for optimizing performance at bedroom, bathroom, and boardroom. This is a common but often misunderstood question that we’re tackling today: urinary incontinence in women. It does not matter whether you are a young mother or an elderly woman, there are vital issues here that can help you take charge of your bladder health. Keep reading to learn more about urinary incontinence in women and what you can do.

What is Urinary Incontinence?

Millions of females around the world suffer from urinary incontinence, which is the involuntary loss of urine. Many quietly endure this problem thinking that they will only have to accept it as a consequence of aging, and especially feel too shy about what people will say when they get to know their condition. However, it is important to note that bladder leakage is never normal, and there are numerous successful treatments available.

What are the Types of Urinary Incontinence?

Bladder Incontinence - Woman in White Holding Her Bladd

Dr. Pazona divides urinary incontinence into two major types:

Stress Incontinence: Leakage occurs with movement or physical activity such as coughing, laughing, sneezing, or exercising due to bladder pressure being exerted upon by these activities. It mainly happens among women during childbirth or after menopause because their pelvic muscles weaken.

Urge Incontinence: This type is also known as an overactive bladder, and it presents with an intense sudden urge to micturate followed by uncontrolled urine flow outwards; these occur due to the miscommunication between brain and bladder, causing uncontrollable contractions within the latter.

Treating Stress Incontinence

Pelvic Physical Therapy

For most women, pelvic physical therapy can change the game entirely for them. You undergo exercises under the guidance of a specialized therapist who will enable you to build your pelvic floor muscles and, therefore, you can reduce or even eliminate this leaking problem.

Minimally Invasive Procedures

Bulkamid: This procedure is done in the office by injecting a filler into the urethra for additional support. It is fast, efficient, and women can go back to their usual activities within 2-3 days.

Sling Procedure: Even with its controversial history, the sling procedure remains an excellent surgical choice for severe stress incontinence cases. Using mesh support under the urethra helps prevent leakage. It has more than a 90% success rate when performed by experienced surgeons.

Managing Urge Incontinence

Lifestyle Modifications

woman turning down two cups of coffee

Dietary Changes: Cutting down on caffeine and alcohol intake considerably alleviates overactive bladder symptoms since these substances irritate bladders, thus leading to frequent urination that is urgent too.

Proactive Bathroom Visits: Keeping a regular schedule of bathroom visits may help you cope with urge incontinence better rather than wait till it hits you.

Bladder Botox

Similar to cosmesis botox, botox injections into the bladder muscle reduce overactivity. It is a minor invasive treatment that can last for months if not weeks.

Sacral Neuromodulation

This is an advanced therapy method where a small device is placed near the sacral nerves to regulate bladder function — a very effective solution during initial trials because it takes place at an office setting instead of a major surgery room.

The Effects of Ignoring Bladder Leakage

Failure to recognize urinary incontinence may result in serious health conditions. For instance, constant bathroom trips at night enhance risks of falling and fractures, especially among older women. In severe scenarios, this leads to life-threatening issues such as hip fractures. Additionally, avoiding social events and exercises due to fear of leakage has been known to cause weight gain, diabetes, and poor quality of life.

Key Takeaways

Urinary leakage is not normal: If you have any form of incontinence, you must see a doctor.

Effective treatments are available: Ranging from physiotherapy of the pelvic muscles to minimally invasive surgeries, there exist many ways of managing urinary incontinence.

Do not keep silent: Resolving bladder leaks can greatly improve your life and prevent future diseases.

If you or someone you know has urinary incontinence problems, get in touch with a healthcare provider. There are several options that can help restore control and make your life better again.

Learn more about urinary incontinence in women.

Disclaimer: This podcast is for informational purposes only and does not substitute professional medical advice. Always seek the guidance of your healthcare provider for any medical conditions.

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